Prosperity Through

Promoting economic growth and development throughout Pottawatomie County, Kansas

Recent News & Updates

Affordable Housing for Workforce Attraction and Retention

Attainable housing is a foundational element of economic development. Community involvement in promoting attainable housing ensures that the local economy remains competitive, resilient, and inclusive, while supporting the long-term growth and well-being of the community.

Housing Affordability in Pottawatomie County and Beyond

Housing affordability has become a widespread issue across the United States, affecting both urban areas and small rural communities. Key reasons include rising construction costs, land and infrastructure costs, limited housing supply, migration trends, interest rates and financing challenges, and more.

Available Sites & Buildings

In partnership with the Greater Manhattan Economic Partnership (GMEP), available Pottawatomie County and Manhattan, KS area sites and buildings are listed on the LocationOne (LOIS) database system. LocationOne Information Systems is an online economic development, GIS-enhanced, site selection engine that provides site and building information in real time. Our access to LOIS’ services is made possible by the Kansas Department of Commerce and the Kansas Economic Development Alliance.

Featured Sites & Buildings

Promote Your Commercial Space

Do you have a commercial building or site that you’d like to sell or lease? 

List it on LOIS for free and it will be included in our featured properties on our website.